
class symphony.bdk.core.service.user.user_service.OboUserService(user_api: symphony.bdk.gen.pod_api.user_api.UserApi, users_api: symphony.bdk.gen.pod_api.users_api.UsersApi, auth_session: symphony.bdk.core.auth.auth_session.AuthSession, retry_config: symphony.bdk.core.config.model.bdk_retry_config.BdkRetryConfig)#

Bases: object

Class exposing OBO-enabled endpoints for user management. This service is used for retrieving information about a particular user, search users by ids, emails or usernames, perform some action related to user like:

  • list/search users

  • follow/unfollow users

__init__(user_api: symphony.bdk.gen.pod_api.user_api.UserApi, users_api: symphony.bdk.gen.pod_api.users_api.UsersApi, auth_session: symphony.bdk.core.auth.auth_session.AuthSession, retry_config: symphony.bdk.core.config.model.bdk_retry_config.BdkRetryConfig)#


__init__(user_api, users_api, auth_session, ...)

follow_user(follower_ids, user_id)

Make a list of users to start following a specific user.

list_users_by_emails(emails[, local, active])

Search users by emails.

list_users_by_ids(user_ids[, local, active])

Search users by user ids.

list_users_by_usernames(usernames[, active])

Search users by usernames.

search_all_users(query[, local, chunk_size, ...])

Search for users by first name, last name, display name, and email; optionally, filter results by company, title, location, marketCoverage, responsibility, function, or instrument.

search_users(query[, local, skip, limit])

Search for users by first name, last name, display name, and email; optionally, filter results by company, title, location, marketCoverage, responsibility, function, or instrument.

unfollow_user(follower_ids, user_id)

Make a list of users to stop following a specific user.

follow_user(follower_ids: [<class 'int'>], user_id: int) None#

Make a list of users to start following a specific user. See: Follow User

  • follower_ids – List of the ids of the followers.

  • user_id – The id of the user to be followed.

list_users_by_emails(emails: [<class 'str'>], local: bool = False, active: bool = None) symphony.bdk.gen.pod_model.v2_user_list.V2UserList#

Search users by emails. See : Users Lookup v3

  • emails – List of emails.

  • local – If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.

  • active – If not set all user status will be returned, if true all active users will be returned, if false all inactive users will be returned.


Users found by emails.

list_users_by_ids(user_ids: [<class 'int'>], local: bool = False, active: bool = None) symphony.bdk.gen.pod_model.v2_user_list.V2UserList#

Search users by user ids. See : Users Lookup v3

  • user_ids – List of user ids.

  • local – If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.

  • active – If not set all user status will be returned, if true all active users will be returned, if false all inactive users will be returned.


Users found by user ids.

list_users_by_usernames(usernames: [<class 'str'>], active: bool = None) symphony.bdk.gen.pod_model.v2_user_list.V2UserList#

Search users by usernames. See : Users Lookup v3

  • usernames – List of usernames.

  • active – If not set all user status will be returned, if true all active users will be returned, if false all inactive users will be returned.


Users found by usernames.

async search_all_users(query: symphony.bdk.gen.pod_model.user_search_query.UserSearchQuery, local: bool = False, chunk_size: int = 50, max_number: Optional[int] = None) AsyncGenerator[symphony.bdk.gen.pod_model.user_v2.UserV2, None]#

Search for users by first name, last name, display name, and email; optionally, filter results by company, title, location, marketCoverage, responsibility, function, or instrument.

Same as search_users() but returns an asynchronous generator which performs the paginated calls with the correct skip and limit values. See: Search Users

  • query – Searching query containing complex information like title, location, company…

  • local – If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.

  • chunk_size – the maximum number of elements to retrieve in one underlying HTTP call

  • max_number – the total maximum number of elements to retrieve


an asynchronous generator of users

search_users(query: symphony.bdk.gen.pod_model.user_search_query.UserSearchQuery, local: bool = False, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 50) symphony.bdk.gen.pod_model.user_search_results.UserSearchResults#

Search for users by first name, last name, display name, and email; optionally, filter results by company, title, location, marketCoverage, responsibility, function, or instrument. See: Search Users

  • query – Searching query containing complex information like title, location, company…

  • local – If true then a local DB search will be performed and only local pod users will be returned. If absent or false then a directory search will be performed and users from other pods who are visible to the calling user will also be returned.

  • skip – Number of users to skip. Default: 0

  • limit – Maximum number of users to return. Default: 50


the list of users found by query.

unfollow_user(follower_ids: [<class 'int'>], user_id: int) None#

Make a list of users to stop following a specific user. See: Unfollow User

  • follower_ids – List of the ids of the followers.

  • user_id – The id of the user to be unfollowed.