Extension Model#

The BDK Extension Mechanism is still an experimental feature, contracts might be subject to breaking changes in following versions.


The Extension API is available through the module symphony.bdk.core.extension but other modules might be required depending on what your extension needs to use.

Registering Extensions#

Extensions are registered programmatically via the ExtensionService:

 async with SymphonyBdk(config) as bdk:
    extension_service = bdk.extensions()

Service Provider Extension#

A Service Provider extension is a specific type of extension loaded on demand when calling the ExtensionService#service(MyExtensionType) method.

To make your extension Service Provider, your extension definition must implement the method get_service(self):

# The Service implementation class.
class MyBdkExtensionService:
    def say_hello(self, name):
        print(f"Hello, {name}!")

# The Extension definition class.
class MyBdkExtension:
    def __init__(self):
        self._service = MyBdkExtensionService()

    def get_service(self):
        return self._service

# Usage example.
async def run():
    config = BdkConfigLoader.load_from_symphony_dir("config.yaml")

    async with SymphonyBdk(config) as bdk:
        extension_service = bdk.extensions()

        service = extension_service.service(MyBdkExtensionService)


BDK Aware Extensions#

The BDK Extension Model allows extensions to access to some core objects such as the configuration or the api clients. Developers that wish to use these objects are free to implement a set of abstract base classes all suffixed with the Aware keyword.

If an extension do not extend one of Aware classes but implements the corresponding method, the latter will be used as the ExtensionService uses duck typing internally.


The abc symphony.bdk.core.extension.BdkConfigAware allows extensions to read the BdkConfig:

class MyBdkExtension(BdkConfigAware):
    def __init__(self):
        self._config = None

    def set_config(self, config):
        self._config = config


The abc symphony.bdk.core.extension.BdkApiClientFactoryAware can be used by extensions that need to use the ApiClientFactory:

class MyBdkExtension(BdkApiClientFactoryAware):
    def __init__(self):
        self._api_client_factory = None

    def set_api_client_factory(self, api_client_factory):
        self._api_client_factory = api_client_factory


The abc symphony.bdk.core.extension.BdkAuthenticationAware can be used by extensions that need to rely on the service account authentication session (AuthSession), which provides the sessionToken and keyManagerToken that are used to call the Symphony’s APIs:

class MyBdkExtension(BdkAuthenticationAware):
    def __init__(self):
        self._auth_session = None

    def set_auth_session(self, auth_session):
        self._auth_session = auth_session


In order to leverage the retry mechanism your service class should have the field self._retry_config of type BdkRetryConfig and each function that needs a retry mechanism can use the @retry decorator. This decorator will reuse the config declared in self._retry_config.

The default retry mechanism is defined here: refresh_session_if_unauthorized. It retries on connection errors (more precisely ClientConnectionError and TimeoutError) and on the following HTTP status codes:

  • 401

  • 429

  • codes greater than or equal to 500.

In case of unauthorized, it will call await self._auth_session.refresh() before retrying.

Following is a sample code to show how it can be used:

from symphony.bdk.core.extension import BdkExtensionServiceProvider, BdkAuthenticationAware, BdkConfigAware
from symphony.bdk.core.retry import retry

class MyExtension(BdkConfigAware, BdkAuthenticationAware, BdkExtensionServiceProvider):
    def __init__(self):
        self._config = None
        self._auth_session = None

    def set_config(self, config):
        self._config = config

    def set_bot_session(self, auth_session):
        self._auth_session = auth_session

    def get_service(self):
        return MyService(self._config.retry, self._auth_session)

class MyService:
    def __init__(self, retry_config, auth_session):
        self._retry_config = retry_config  # used by the @retry decorator
        self._auth_session = auth_session  # default retry logic will call refresh on self._auth_session

    async def my_service_method(self):
        pass  # do stuff which will be retried

Retry conditions and mechanism can be customized as follows:

async def my_retry_mechanism(retry_state):
    """Function used by the retry decorator to check if a function call has to be retried.

    :param retry_state: current retry state, of type RetryCallState: https://tenacity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#retrycallstate
    :return: True if we want to retry, False otherwise
    if retry_state.outcome.failed:
        exception = retry_state.outcome.exception()  # exception that lead to the failure 
        if condition_on_exception(exception):
            # do stuff to recover the exception
            # method args can be accessed as follows: retry_state.args
            return True  # return True to retry the function
    return False  # return False to not retry and make function call fail

class MyService:
    def __init__(self, retry_config, auth_session):
        self._retry_config = retry_config  # used by the @retry decorator
        self._auth_session = auth_session  # default retry logic will call refresh on self._auth_session

    async def my_service_method(self):
        pass  # do stuff which will be retried