Production Readiness#

Production readiness documentation for BDK-based applications.


The Symphony BDK uses the standard Python logging module. To troubleshoot your bot you might want to enable the DEBUG level to get the full logs from the BDK. The Datafeed example uses a sample logging configuration and illustrates how you can configure logging as a bot developer.

If you are logging to a file we recommend that you use a rotating file handler to avoid filling the disk.

Beware of logging sensitive or personal data such as message content, user details,…


The Symphony BDK adds a trace_id field to each log record with a value called X-Trace-Id (random alphanumeric string of 6 characters). You are free to print it in your logs using pattern %(trace_id)s using a suitable logformat string, for instance like done in the [sample logging configuration]

This value is send as header of every request made to the Symphony API. This is especially useful for cross-applications debugging, assuming that the X-Trace-Id value is also present in your application logs. A new value is generated for each request made to the Symphony API, except if you decide to set a custom value using DistributedTracingContext. In this case, you will have to manage the X-Trace-Id yourself and no new value will be generated.